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This reading can be helpful when making important plans such as

a wedding, website launch, house move or even a series of workshops.



Election Readings

The intention is to choose a moment that confers

the maximum success, ease and flow to your new venture.

An Election Reading can be extremely helpful when making important and exciting plans such as a wedding, website or business launch, house move or even a series of workshops. The intention is to choose a moment that confers the maximum success, ease and flow to your new venture.


Usually we’re in tune with what is going on energetically and intuitively know roughly when we would like to do something. Bringing in Astrology can help to refine the decision and choose that perfect moment.


The reading consists of in-depth research in advance of our session: consideration of the kind of event you’re planning, combining this with your birth chart and looking at the Astrology during your intended time-frame and how this affects your birth chart. I will make a few suggestions of possible times that also fit in with practical considerations.


Please contact me via my email to book or enquire:


  • location: online or face to face

  • duration: 1 1/4 hours

  • fee: £80


Session info and how to prepare for your reading >

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Session info and

how to prepare for your reading.

Online sessions are preferably via Zoom although Skype is an alternative. Time zone is GMT.​ You can ask if you prefer a session in person as this is sometimes possible.


I will need your birth date, place (nearest large town or city) and time (as close as possible).


Payment is by bank transfer and bank details will be given when you book the reading. Payment by card using Sum Up is also possible and this works well for international payments.​


It’s worth checking on your birth time with family, at the hospital or on birth records as this has an important bearing on your birth chart. Another option is to have a Refine Your Birth Time Reading. However, a reading can still be done by setting the chart for midday if no time is currently available.


If we do the session on Zoom it can be recorded. You can also make notes during the session.


For online readings let me know if you would like me to email a copy of your birth chart.​​


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Do send a personal message if you have any questions or would like to make personal contact. I'd love to hear from you!

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All information given on this website, in individual sessions or during workshops and courses is intended for guidance only. You make your own decisions and my guidance is not intended to be a replacement for any legal, medical or financial advice you may need to take.

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