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Listening with Love

The energy is very intense right now and we may have to focus on keeping our vibration high in the face of a collective situation that may seem intractable and could lead to feelings of pointlessness or negativity, even a downward emotional spiral.

Astrologically we have the transformative Full Moon at 27 Cancer tomorrow which heightens emotions and feelings of vulnerability (the 17th at 23.48 UK time). We may feel uncertain of which way to turn or what the future may hold. Opposite the Full Moon we have a Sun Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which heightens control, oppression and clampdowns and we can see this playing out in different countries all around the world.

In the positive this is about taking responsibility for our lives, our role and our mission, while working to transmute the fears that come up around this. We can no longer be in illusion and we each need to take responsibility for the realities that are playing out around us.

We can place our focus on the Moon in Cancer, to follow our heart and allow ourselves to be cared for, mothered and nurtured. This is about kindness, humanity and our spiritual and human family.

Full Moons can be about completion and this particular one could be particularly intense in terms of endings and new beginnings. In the positive it brings a feeling of shifting into a new phase both on a collective and personal level. We are also seeing a desperation around a collapsing of outdated structures and the narrative.

On the 18th Uranus turns direct after 5 months of being retrograde and even in the lead-in this has resulted in dramatic, electrifying developments and turnarounds. Mercury now retrograde in unpredictable Aquarius exacerbates this tendency.

The deep blue bottle for the Moon 2 has been chosen twice in the last couple of days in client sessions and this holds some guidance and support for us during this time of transition. It’s about the blue cloak of protection or the pillar of light, also a sense of sisterhood and the priestess energy of retreat and being in our own temple space. It’s about listening with love.

Here are creator of the Colour Mirrors system Melissie Jolly’s words for this Moon bottle:

“This bottle caries the energy of the moon and the tides, the seasons and cycles of existence. It relates to the throat, choice and taking responsibility for your word. It is helpful when you have difficulty communicating and making yourself heard. This bottle brings peace, connecting you with the angelic realms and enfolding you in a protective blue cloak. So far very few of your fears have manifested. Begin to have faith that what has kept you safe until now will continue to do so”.

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