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Resistance is futile

So we’re entering the eclipse doorway with the New Moon solar eclipse at 10 Taurus becoming exact tomorrow 30th April at 21.29 UK followed by the Scorpio lunar eclipse of re-birth in a couple of weeks. We’re drawn to connect to nature and the Earth at this gorgeous time of spring celebration known as Beltane on May 1st. Simplicity supports and nourishes, particularly with ground-breaking Uranus so close to the eclipse point.

The sabian symbol or image for the degree of the zodiac where the eclipse focusses its energy is: ‘a woman sprinkles long rows of flowers’ and so it feels like a time of patience, tender care and nurturance.

The energy has been intense during the build-up and we’re going deep into ourselves too, exploring ‘root’ issues and rooting down into the Earth in order to be able to expand our consciousness and our light outwards. Today Pluto, planet of regeneration, secrets and power stands still in the sky. For some of us this asks us where do we want to place our energy and our power? Energy grows where our focus goes.

For others it may be about looking deeper at what we may have ignored or not noticed up till now. Maybe our unsettled feelings or uncomfortableness have a real basis in reality and there are things we need to question or explore? Complacency and clinging to what may feel like our comfort zone could be rocked as the lightning bolt of truth flickers through the sky and lights up our reality.

If ever there was a phrase that epitomizes the energy of this fixed Taurus eclipse close to the awakener Uranus it is ‘resistance is futile’.

And how beautiful that Venus, ruler of the eclipse in Taurus, meets Jupiter at this time. Romantic, soft, forgiving in gentle Pisces, this is a call to let it all go and celebrate love and our special heart connections. We can focus on beauty, appreciation and come back to the essence of ourselves, self-worth, self-love and the energy of receptivity.

While there may be certain situations where our resolution and sovereignty continue to be rock-solid, in general we can surrender to the flow of events and trust in Spirit to oversee our glorious transition to freedom.

The eclipse takes place supported by the over-arching energy of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction that became exact earlier this month and plays such a key role this year. While this Piscean energy can bring some sadness, confusion, sense of loss and waves of emotion, the higher vibrational expression can be uplifting and transmuting. Our spiritual gifts, vision and wisdom flower and this meeting of planetary giants supports us in nourishing ourselves along with those who come to us for insight, transformation and support.

Compassion and kindness are the keys, qualities that we associate with the goddess Quan Yin. This is the new Quan Yin bottle in the Colour Mirrors system, combining the energies of coral (Jupiter) and turquoise (Neptune).

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