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Setting Boundaries and Shifting our Reality

We’re now in the Virgo time of year which is about healing and digestion on all levels: physical, emotional and mental. Virgo brings strong discernment and emphasizes the intelligence of the body. It’s also about re-assessing, analyzing and zooming in on issues. Coming up on Tuesday 7th September at 1.51am we have the New Moon in this cleansing, purifying sign. Nourishment is a key theme particularly as asteroid goddess Ceres is conjunct the north node. In Gemini it brings nurturing through connection and information, also the divine feminine energy, lightness and a butterfly touch.

The New Moon is trine Uranus which is about carving out a new destiny, leading to sudden surprises and shifts. It’s about finding creative solutions and knowing there’s always a way out. By keeping things simple we can get to the heart of the matter and create lasting change.

Planet of relationships Venus makes two contrasting connections at this New Moon. On the one hand it makes a square to Pluto, a pointer not to give away our power to individuals, employers or organizations. It’s about letting go of the old and outdated in relationships, that something may have to die to allow the new to blossom. Then we also have a blessed flowing connection between Venus in balanced Libra and Jupiter, bringing togetherness, opening and possibility in relationships.

The Sun and Moon are widely opposite Neptune bringing some disillusionment and discouragement. We just had the 4thof 5 squares between asteroid Eris and Pluto at end of August, bringing outrage and strong push back.

Then later in the month we have the full Moon on the 21st September at 0.54 BST London the day before the energy gateway of the autumn equinox. The chart for the Full Moon is striking with the Moon at 28 Pisces conjunct the MC and moving on from a conjunction with Neptune. The fog of misinformation and confusion may start to clear and real science may be starting to be released into the mainstream. Pisces can often go along with an energy of sacrifice and an outpouring of emotion however. The lower level sabian symbol or image for this degree is ‘Cassandra, a prophetess of doom’.

More positively the higher dimensional symbol is ‘a scientist is making tests by means of spectrum analysis’. This is the rainbow of hope, a miracle of nature. It suggests a fracture of some kind, but if people survive the tests they lead to a widening of perception and vision. At the Full Moon we have an exact trine between Mercury in Libra and Jupiter, emphasizing natural law, balancing mind and emotions and helping us to feel a sense of peace and hope.

This is truly a time to step into our creator consciousness and to have faith in the malleability of consciousness. Just as the goal posts are constantly being moved on a political – medical level, so we can shift our reality and step into our magical power.

Looking at the long term we still have Pluto moving through Capricorn for another couple of years, which is about the collapse of the old order and corrupt structures. The darker it gets, the more light that comes in. This period is about taking back our lives on all levels. Free will is connected to responsibility. We’re each responsible for our own lives and we’re going on a deep transformative journey to take back our power and reclaim our soul.

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