Being the Heroine
Autumn is a time of retreat and letting go and we can channel this energy productively by seeing what we need to release with love, whether this is patterns or habits, relationships, jobs or homes. Pluto planet of power turned direct on 3rd October and sits on the same degree of 20 Capricorn until the 11th November. See this as a moment of stillness.
There’s a feeling of turning the tables and taking back our power. While we can’t control what other people do we CAN choose to step away from the power struggle and the drama of the last 5 months while Pluto has been retrograde. Just not play the game any longer.
With both Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn it may be tempting to fall into judgement and polarization. If this happens we can look at where our feelings come from. Maybe it’s our projection based on past experience. Maybe we can channel this energy more usefully by stepping into the new, creating a new life and more solid platform for our activities.
We always have a choice about whether we see ourselves as the victim or the hero/heroine of our life - funny how that sounds the same as heroin. We can allow ourselves to be addicted – to emotional patterns, old ways of relating, imbalanced relationships. But perhaps these are just triggers for us to let go of what we no longer need. We can agree a more healthy way to relate and create a more joyful life. Instead of a power struggle and tug-of-war, we have the handshake of peace.
Also on the 3rd October Mercury went into Scorpio, bringing deep discussions and negotiations. Discernment becomes increasingly important and we might want to look at the motivation or feeling behind an action or opinion. The Full Moon at 20 Aries on the 13th October is intense with a square to Pluto, heightening emotions and allowing us to clear some stuck energy or resistance.
Mars is travelling through Libra from 4th October highlighting relationships, negotiation and connection. The North node close to the fixed star Sirius in Cancer during this time shows us where we need to focus our energy - on our soul family, home, caring and love. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and is associated with luck and destiny