Reaching Tipping Point
So, we’re poised to enter into the heart-centred Leo Full Moon later today just before 17.00 UK time and there’s a feeling of tipping point in the air, that the dominoes are about to topple each other down.
We had the chilly Aquarius New Moon conjunct Saturn on the 1st February and the imagery of freezing conditions and melting hearts was visible in the collective events taking place in the world around us. We had the heroic truckers braving freezing temperatures in their northern climate and beginning their long journey to make their position on mandates absolutely clear.
Apparently some truckers or even their donors have now even had their bank accounts ‘frozen’, surely a warning sign about overreach and the dangers of allowing digital control. In this period between the New Moon and the Full Moon we have also witnessed so many scenes of love, family and good-hearted support at this beautiful protest. Frozen hearts are being melted and we realise this is what it means to be human.
Today’s Full Moon is at 27 Leo, the fifth of seven full Moons at this degree of the zodiac, linked to power, sovereignty and harvesting rewards. It is also conjunct Regulus, the royal fixed star. Leaders all around the world are giving themselves away through their outrageously divisive comments and ineffective mandates. We are at a tipping point of the collapse of the old order and may see the emergence or even the re-emergence of world leaders with this degree of 27 Leo prominent in their birth charts.
We’ve also seen the big-hearted Leo podcaster and commentator Joe Rogan shine bright and attract huge audiences as a result of his natural curiosity and desire to ask real questions. His huge Leo Sun is being opposed by Saturn in Aquarius and he was briefly subject to the ‘cancel culture’ where even exploring different viewpoints is a big ‘no no’.
Today’s Full Moon is also accompanied by the meeting of Venus and Mars, which then journey together through Capricorn and then into Aquarius, unusually for a couple of months. This is about the irrepressible human desire to connect, to reach past the boundaries and man-made rules. It’s also the balancing between male and female, the restoration of the power to the divine feminine within and the goddess.